Monday, November 26, 2012

Last weekend in Kasane …PULA!

On my last Saturday in Kasane, I woke up early for our big CARACAL club boat trip. When the kids arrived they were all very excited and I was worried that there would be problems but for the first hour they were the best behaved I have ever saw them. And then the rain came… Real rain!
Although most of Botswana has had some good rains already up here in Kasane we have been waiting and praying for pula. We rushed to get the rain guards down and ended up soaked but it was amazing to be out on the water surrounded by hippos when the first rain hit. Once it clamed down we went up to the top of the boat and saw a herd of elephants crossing the river and playing in the fresh mud. If that’s not Africa for you then 35 school children singing different songs in Setswana on the ride back to port at the top of their lungs with white tourist in follow boats snapping pictures has to be!
It was great to see the kids enjoying and watching them point of the wildlife to me it really showed that they are learning a lot from the club. Its always amazing to watch kids enjoy a new opportunity.
Although the walk back to my house in the rain wasn’t as nice.

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